Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Winter Update!!

OK, Gang, we've got a lot of info to drop on you, so pay attention!!

1. Holiday Party 2006; to be held at Jaime & Mary's house in Hudson MA on January 13th @ 3pm. Bring a side dish to go with the main, and whatever you want to drink. Also, we're doing a Yankee swap, so bring a $10 gift to exchange. We'll be discussing team issues for the 2007 season. Be there or be...well, you know what you'll be. Call us @ 978.562.3414 for directions or send us an email and we will email you our address with directions.

2. Memphis in May: Jed and the rest of the team have been invited to join the Bastey Boys/Lunch Meat delegation to Memphis in May. All team members are welcome: here's the details: May 13-20. Hotel: Clarion Hotel Airport 1471 East Brooks Rd Memphis TN 38116 ph 901.332.3500 choicehotels.com. Rate: $65/night via Orbitz.com or $75/night via Clarion directly
2a. Drivers leave early Sat morning, arrive Sunday afternoon. Flyers arrive Wed morning.
2b. Potential trip to Graceland Wed afternoon.
2c. Thursday day - contest, Thursday night - Gus's fried Chicken and Beale Street
2d. Friday day - contest, Friday night - we are hosting dinner for several teams
2e. Sat - contest
2f. Sun - depart
2g. Cost - Uncle's Jed's owes $400.00. Each individual will pay another fee for food (amount to be determined later).
2h. Plan on renting a car for transportation while we are there.

3. Team apparel: prices are on the way

4. White Water rafting - is anyone interested

5. Sausage making in Templeton: Road trip to Templeton MA in February for Sausage making. Call Jed for details (508-930-6046)

6. Team list: We are updating the list. If you are interested in being on the team, we need name, address, phone number, cell phone number, significant other, and kids. Please email them to unclejedsbbq@verizon.net. Please include the birthday (month and day, not year) of each person.